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China reclaimed Macau after four countries of Portuguese rule last night, with President Jiang Zemin saying the return was a significant step towards the early completion of reunification.


Mr Qian said that three years after handover, the principles of "one country, two systems" and "Hong Kong people ruling Hong Kong" had proved a success.

拟定13套应变方案,应付中国可能实施的武力威吓drew up 13 special contingency plans to deal with possible military threats from the other side of the strait

临崖勒马rein in at the brink of the precipice


A referendum on whether Hong Kong should introduce universal suffrage by 2007 would result in a challenge to the central government's authority.


Although it was still technically an indirect flight due to its stopover in Hong Kong, it marks a step towards direct flights between cities on each side of the Taiwan Strait.

断送香港高度自治surrendering Hong Kong's high degree of autonomy

谨守基本法strictly adhere to the Basic Law


both sides agreed there was only one China while each maintained its own interpretation of the term "China"

警告美国不要插手台湾问题warned the US against intervention in the cross-strait crisis


Three political parties yesterday backed calls for an inquiry into the Gary Cheng Kai-nam scandal.

不满意特区政府处理非典型肺炎事件的表现were unhappy with the Government's performance during the atypical pneumonia outbreak

公敌public enemy


His actions have done little to quell the speculation.


He said he was not able to respond fully, because he did not have the full details.

他们最无资格批评特首they were the people "least qualified" to criticise Mr Tung

令业界为之震惊rattled the industry

仙股事件/仙股风波penny-stocks controversy/penny-stocks fiasco

半裸的何伟途a half-naked Mr Ho


However, the comments were capable of being misconstrued and so were unwise.

民主党党员何伟途的性丑闻the sex scandal surrounding Democrat Alex Ho Wai-to

因为在2003年于立法会门外向示威者举中指而臭名远播notorious for making an insulting gesture to protesters outside Legco in 2003


Other new and continuing scandals threaten to envelop Hong Kong-listed mainland companies.

有违宪法acting unconstitutionally


But I'm not a saint.

否认行为不当denied wrongdoing

希望聆讯能防止事件重演hoped a hearing could prevent a reoccurance

改善内地公司的监管制度improving regulation of mainland companies


The committee's role is "fact-finding" and not targeting individuals to be held responsible.

拒绝民主党的要求,不会召开特别聆讯调查事件rejected calls from the Democratic Party for a special hearing into the matter

抵不过舆论压力/敌不过舆论压力bowed to strong criticism/yielded to public pressure

指派一个项目小组调查此案named a special task force to investigate the case

玷污了政府公仆廉洁诚实的形象tarnished the clean and honest image of government workers

玷污立法会声誉damaged Legco's reputation

研究如何防止类似事件在未来重演look into how to prevent such problems being repeated in the future

要求实时进行内部调查has called for an immediate internal investigation

要还死者一个公道should give justice to the victims

重建委员会的声誉rebuilding the commission's reputation

面临更多抨击face more flak

消除各方揣测dispel various speculation

回避某间题sidestep a question about something

国际笑话an international joke

责难某人censure somebody

连串公屋丑闻a spate of public housing scandals

造成政治危机would cause a political crisis

酗酒、烂赌、好色passionate about drinking, gambling and women

揭示香港食物监管制度的一大漏洞exposed a major flaw in food surveillance programme of Hong Kong

揭发自一九四九年以来最大宗金融丑闻have uncovered the biggest financial scandal since 1949

焦点人物central figure

会从梁锦松事件中吸取教训would learn from Mr Leung's mistake

违反内部指引violated internal guidelines

违章breach the regulations

对考评局处理事件的手法不满was dissatisfied with the authority's handling of the situation

对政府错失大表震怒expressed anger at the blunder

影响了政府官员的良好声誉discredited the fine reputation of government officials???

调查政府面对非典型肺炎的处理手法investigating the government's handling of the Sars outbreak

遭某人强烈反驳drew a scathing attack from somebody

尽量减少丑闻的杀伤力minimise the damage incurred by the scandal

还校长一个清白clear the name of the vice-chancellor


Students, said Mrs Law, were the biggest beneficiaries of the Tung administration.


台湾第一夫人Taiwan's First Lady

政治讽刺对象subject of political satire

董建华的肖像effigies of Mr Tung

讽刺她的外貌pokes fun at her appearance

讽刺政治的作品political satire

讽刺叶太处理**功的手法ridicules Mrs Ip's policies on Falun Gong

讽刺话barbed comments

人身攻击personal attack


If the Heaven wants to destroy a political party, it will make it mad first. I can't see any rationale behind the KMT-PFP alliance.


They have been bad-mouthing Hong Kong and our country.


But these people deny the principle of one country, two systems and they rarely give constructive criticism.

叫鸡议员prostitute-hiring councillors

叫鸡党prostitute-hiring party


To head off speculation that Mr Chen staged the shooting, his office released photographs of his wounds.

自编自导自演枪击案/苦肉计staged an assassination attempt on himself


You have bad-mouthed Hong Kong for six years already.


I definitely don't agree they are patriots.

把民主派人士卷标为不爱国discredit democrats as unpatriotic

把李柱铭比喻为吴三桂,吴三桂被视为中国史上的最大叛徒compared the veteran campaigner to Wu Sangui, a historic character considered the biggest traitor in Chinese lore

攻击某人denounce somebody

究竟反对二十三条立法的人算不算爱国whether opponents of Article 23 could be considered patriotic


指(民主党)逢中必反labelled the party as "against everything China does"

指三名资深民主党立法会议员不爱国,因为他们反对二十三条called three veteran Democrat legislators unpatriotic for actions such as opposing Article 23 of the Basic Law

要求陈水扁总统公开枪击事件真相called on Taiwanese President Chen Shui-bian to come clean on the assassination attempt

要求刘梦雄立即撤回指控demanded an immediate retraction of th allegations made by Lew Mon-hung

被诽谤者the victim of libel

无理据的抨击groundless attacks

须要提出多些证据来支持他们的指控needed to present more evidence to back up their accusations

损害名誉vilify (vt); They were vilified by the press as 'international terrorists'.

诽谤defamation/diatribe (n)/slander (n)/(vt); launch a diatribe against sb/sue sb for slander/slander sb

诽谤文libel (n)/(vt); sue the newspaper for libel/sb had been libelled in an article

诽谤的defamatory (a); the article was highly defamatory


Do they have worries because they have things to fear?/Do they have worries because they have devils in their hearts?

历史人物a historic character


不是想避税/逃税did not try to avoid tax

不会回去打理家族生意would not return to his family business


Mr Wong has been accused of having a potential conflict of interest over a tax consultancy run by his wife.

未有在加税前申报买车一事failing to disclose his purchase of a new car ahead of tax increases

申报利益make declarations of interest


Dr Yeoh's comments did little to pacify lawmakers, several of whom said it was a blatant conflict of interests for the health chief to head a panel investigating the health system.

在1983年透过空壳公司购入was bought in 1983 through a shelf company

在出勤纪碌上做手脚cheat on their time books

在行政会议上申报买车declared his own recent car purchase at the Executive Council meeting

在会上申报买车made declarations on car purchases at the meeting

在错误的前提下决定让英国参战took Britain to war on a false premise

有申报买车declared his interest in buying a new car

利用假资料美化Vivendi的帐目used false information to make Vivendi's accounts look better than they were


I didn't declare my interest in Asia Ford.


I believe that he did not do it for personal gain.


We are resolutely against "collusion between business and the Government".


Critics say the statements add weight to claims that Mr Leung's omission was not merely an oversight on his part.


eliminate any "transfer of benefits"

没有申报买车一事failed to declare his purchase of a new car

没有为了客户利益而违背党的投票取向depart from the party line on a vote to benefit his clients

受到特殊待遇received preferential treatment

受偷步买车丑闻缠绕的财政司司长the car-buying controversy that has engulfed Hong Kong's financial secretary

和大企业有不道德的商业交易had amoral business dealings with big business

于二月十一日承认六项控罪,控罪指他以公务员身分收受利益pleaded guilty on February 11 to six counts of accepting an advantage as a public servant


Cheung Kong (Holdings) Ltd said it had never engaged the services of Mr Cheng's companies.


These take a long time to build, but can be dashed in an instant.

很多所谓的爱国者只是用这个卷标来赚钱many so-called patriots only use this label to make money

政治献金丑闻campaign-financing scandals

歪曲事实distorted the facts

捏造攻伊理由sexing up the case for war in Iraq

挪用保钓运动捐款misused donations for Diaoyu Island protests

伪造出勤纪录falsified attendance records

假史丹福学位bogus Stanford degree

假学历false credentials

偷步买车his purchase of a luxury car weeks before he raised taxes on vehicles


The car row had damaged the Government's credibility.


Is this a case of double standards?

连串贪污丑闻a series of corruption scandals


Ms Chan conceded it had led to doubts about her integrity.


The application allegedly contained a false statement which claimed the property was not owned by the couple or their families and that they did not have a financial interest in it.

测谎a lie-detector test



At the end of the statement, Mr To bowed in apology.


Mr Cheng did not disclosed to the legislature his majority shareholding in Asia Ford Consultants.


Mr Cheng has taken advantage of being a legislator.


Tax chief Wong Ho-sang was sacked yesterday for handling files submitted by his wife consultancy firm and failing to report a possible conflict of interest.


Tax chief Wong Ho-sang met the civil service secretary yesterday to explain the controversy involving a tax consultancy run by his wife.

虚报上班时间lie about the time they arrive at office

买车丑闻car purchase controversy



He is also rumoured to have concealed the fact of the SARS outbreak from government officials.

隐瞒事实/隐瞒真相hide the truth

关乎梁锦松诚信的事件issues related to the credibility of Mr Leung

骗取超过三十三万元房屋津贴swindled the Government out of more than $330,000 in housing allowances

尸位素餐的政客do-nothing politicians

不会容忍员工偷懒/不会容忍散慢的员工will not tolerate slack staff

不会容忍浪费公帑will not tolerate wastefulness in the public coffers

不会容忍过分散慢的管理will not tolerate unreasonably slack managemen

公众对偷懒公务员的强烈不满public outcry over lazy civil servants

仙股丑闻/仙股风波penny stocks scandal


在一连串失言和失误后支持度跌至个位数字whose public support slid to single-digit levels after a string of verbal gaffes and blunders


Since the Sars outbreak, Mr Tung has repeatedly been criticised for acting too late to contain it and being slow to implement relief measures.

我的政治敏感度不足my political sensitivity is insufficient

承认处理内地非典型肺炎时有失误admit faults in handling the Sars outbreak in the mainland

重弹老调、陈腔滥调rehash/sticking to his old line/proclaims banalities

浪费纳税人金钱wasting taxpayers' money

缺乏政治智能a lack of ''political sensitivity''

逃避责任shirking responsibility/evade responsibility


疏忽blunder (n)/(vi); The government had blundered in its handling of the affair.

处理非典型肺炎失误mishandling the capital's Sars outbreak

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